Argousier, aronia, pomme et sève de bouleau BIO des Alpes du Sud


Difficulté de la culture de l' argousier au Canada

Hello Emmanuel:

Are you still working with Sea Buckthorn in France?

The Industry is very slow to develop here in Canada mostly because of the high cost of picking the fruit and leaves. On the World market, it is very difficult to compete.

We stopped the tree Nursery 5 years ago and are presently selling off the balance of our inventory.

We hope you are still involved with Sea Buckthorn and enjoy the benefits it can provide to our World.

Rédigé le  20 avril 2015 9:31 dans Commentaires  -  Lien permanent
0 Commentaires  

Vos remarques

Nous apportons le plus grand intérêt à vos remarques. A vos claviers !
Rédigé le  1 nov. 2009 9:36 dans Commentaires  -  Lien permanent
14 Commentaires  

NATVIT cultive la passion des superfruits comme l'argousier et l'aronia dans les Alpes du Sud